A secure password keeps hackers out of your accounts. Without one, you are inviting trouble: Stolen identities, drained bank accounts, and leaked priv…
Why Tiremakers Who Make ‘Ideal’ EV Tires Will Dominate the Industry
As electric vehicles (EVs) reshape the automotive industry, one crucial component is sparking a race among manufacturers: EV tires. Far from ordinary,…
Fake AI Celebrity Endorsements and Elections Confusion
As we approach the final stretch before the U.S. presidential elections on November 5, 2024, fake AI endorsements of celebrities are becoming a disrup…
Why the US Smart Car Ban Targets Chinese and Russian Technologies?
In recent times, concerns regarding national security have prompted the US government to take significant measures in the automotive sector. The propo…
5 AI Fitness Apps That Can Help You Shape Your Body Faster
Looking for effective ways to get in shape quickly? Artificial Intelligence (AI) has got you back. There are hundreds of AI fitness apps that provide …
Here’s How Meta AI Image Generator Works
The Meta AI image generator is taking the internet by storm, transforming the way we create visual content. From social media posts to digital art, th…
The Cost of Building A PC From Scratch: A Beginner’s Guide
Building your own PC can seem like a daunting task – especially if you are new to the world of custom computers. But how much would it cost to b…
Should I Opt Out of AI Resume Screening? Pros and Cons Explained
The modern job hunt is a battlefield, and your resume is your weapon. But with the rise of artificial intelligence (AI), a new layer of complexity has…
How to Make Money With AI in 2024 & Beyond
One of the best ways of making make money with AI is by developing AI applications. As businesses increasingly integrate AI into their operations, the…
How Fast is Starlink? Comparing Speeds From 2022 to 2024
Have you ever wondered just how fast is Starlink, especially if you have been following its progress over the last couple of years? It is no secret th…