Germany Germany is known for many things, and their national men’s football team is one of their national prides. The team has qualified for the World Cup 20 times, with only Brazil managing mor…
These Mesmerizing Women Supporting Their National Teams at The World Cup Almost Make Football Look Easy
Germany Germany is known for many things, and their national men’s football team is one of their national prides. The team has qualified for the World Cup 20 times, with only Brazil managing mor…
These Mesmerizing Women Supporting Their National Teams at The World Cup Almost Make Football Look Easy
Germany Germany is known for many things, and their national men’s football team is one of their national prides. The team has qualified for the World Cup 20 times, with only Brazil managing mor…
Wow! Unglaubliche historische Augenblicke in Bildern eingefangen, die nachkoloriert noch intensiver wirken
Schwarzer Dienstag, 1929 Am 24. Oktober 1929 kam es zum großen Börsenkrach in den USA. Der sogenannte Black Thursday (der in Europa häufig aufgrund der Zeitverschiebung als Schwarzer Freitag bezeichne…
Absolut abgefahren: Diese Auto-Hacks sollte jeder Autobesitzer kennen!
Ziplock-Seitenspiegel für den Winter Zugegebenermaßen fährt selbst der größte Liebhaber im Winter nicht gerne Auto: Zuerst muss man den Weg freischaufeln, anschließend den Motor aufwärmen, das Auto vo…
45 Irresistibly Unique Ads and Campaigns Through The Years That Are Just Genius
Wendy’s | Where’s the Beef? | 1984 Having a giant hamburger and some cute old women doesn’t guarantee the success of an ad, but this gutsy approach taken by Wendy’s in 1984 was…
In metropolitana se ne vedono di tutti i colori, ma queste foto sono assurde!
L’ARTE DELLA SOVRAPPOSIZIONE Quando si viaggia in metropolitana è naturale portare con sé un libro da leggere per trascorrere più piacevolmente il viaggio, soprattutto se lungo. Questo scatto me…
Ein Blick hinter die Fassade: Atemberaubende Fotos vom Burning Man Festival!
Supermodel-Charme optimal einsetzen Ein ausgefallenes Fahrrad zu besitzen ist das Eine, wie ein erfahrenes Model zu posieren, jedoch das Andere. Unser Paar könnte sogar als Werbeträger fungieren, doch…
These Mesmerizing Women Supporting Their National Teams at The World Cup Almost Make Football Look Easy
Iran Iran has one of the world’s oldest, richest, and most influential heritages. This is quite evident in the art, architecture, painting, and weaving that it is famous for. One of their specia…
People Captured With Elevator Cameras Doing Really Inexplicable Things
Ahh, Modern Kids… The American YouTuber Andrew Hales, better known by his online handle LAWHF, decided to have some fun in the year 2012. As a result, he went to tremendous measures to behave as…