Rob Gronkowski & Camille Kostek | Married Since 2015 The name Rob Gronkowski is quite popular in NFL circles thanks to his prowess on the field as a tight end and having played for 11 seasons. …
The Second Golden Age: Hollywood Stars of the ’70s and ’80s
Mindy Cohn – Scooby-Doo Sometimes we laud an actor or an actress not for the characters they play but for the characters to whom they give voice. The younger generations alive today will know Mi…
GRAZI MASSAFERA – R$65 MIL Grazi Massafera foi uma das pessoas que saíram do anonimato e ganharam o mundo.Ela foi uma das participantes do Big Brother Brasil, chegando a ficar em 2º lugar. Seu carisma…
The Second Golden Age: Hollywood Stars of the ’70s and ’80s
Linda Gray – Dallas We truly never know when an opportunity in life might arise. Take Linda Gray, for example, and how she got her big break: by playing a body double. Yes! In “The Graduat…
How Hollywood’s Richest Celebrities Make And Use Their Fortune
Tom Cruise – $600 Million Tom Cruise was the star of the ’80s, a sensation in the ’90s especially with shows like “Jerry Maguire,” and a phenomenal actor in the 21st cent…
MAÍSA SILVA – R$100 MIL Maísa Silva começou sua carreira artística bem cedo, quando ainda era uma criança de apenas 5 anos de idade. Ela fazia algumas participações no programa do Silvio Santos deixan…
Celebrities’ Offsprings: Meet the Kids of Your Favorite Stars
Valentina Paloma Pinault Valentina Paloma Pinault is the billionaire CEO, François-Henri Pinault, and Salma Hayek’s daugter.Hayek is an actress and film producer. Pinault has been the cha…
Les célébrités qui ont parfaitement vieilli, prouvant ainsi que la beauté est sans âge
Sophie Marceau — Le monde ne suffit pas, née en 1966 Sophie Marceau, née Danièle Sylvie Maupau, est sans doute considéré comme une légende du grand écran français. Un titre fort mérité, puisque…
Stars Whose Glow Has Not Dimmed: 45 Golden Oldies from Ann-Margaret to Sharon Stone
Tina Louise – Born In 1934 “Gilligan’s Island,” on the one hand, follows seven people who have been shipwrecked and try to unsuccessfully escape and, on the other, stars Tina L…
Stars Whose Glow Has Not Dimmed: 45 Golden Oldies from Ann-Margaret to Sharon Stone
Bridget Fonda – Born In 1964 The Daily Mail’s exclusive article unveils the transformation of 90s screen icon Bridget Fonda, 58, as she emerges in Los Angeles, sporting a casual ensemble after 1…